Why MIS?

31 Aug 2023

For some reason in school growing up, I had decided that I didn’t like coding. In my mind, IT meant coding, which meant math, which meant it was too hard and too boring. That was until I had to take a mandatory Introduction to Programming course in high school. I ended up really enjoying it, and I even became my teacher’s TA the following year. Flash forward to college, and even though I’d come around to the idea of IT, I still didn’t love the idea of taking high level math courses for the next 4 years of my life. That’s when I discovered the Management Information Systems major. Instantly, the combination of business and IT really appealed to me. I was excited at the prospect of studying how technology can be applied to business, rather than only studying the ins and outs of the technology itself. Thus far, I have stood by my decision every day, and I’m looking forward to the upper level ITM classes I’ll get to take over my remaining 3 semesters.