E3: Preparing for WODs

30 Sep 2023


The BrowserHistory6 WOD focused on the aspects of building a dynamic webpage. It was mainly a formatting exercise for the “History of Browsers” webpage that I created throughout the previous WODs. I used onmousover and onclick actions and attached links to other pages through the use of buttons. Here’s the link for further details: BrowserHistory6

My Experience

This WOD took me two tries. On my first try, I ended up DNFing because I got tripped up with the correct syntax for onmousover and onclick actions. I think I had the quotes in all the wrong places, things were out of order, and I’m sure I forgot a semicolon at some point. My code wasn’t looking how I needed it too, so I scratched my first go and started over.

On my second try, things went a lot better. I was able to really get the hang of efficiently using CSS, so writing everything took me a lot less time. It took me Av time, and it was really satisfying when I got all my buttons and images to work correctly.

To prepare, I looked over the Dynamic Web Page module readings again, and I also went through the most recent lab that we worked on in class. I definitely spent more time in preparation for this WOD than I did on previous WODs. This is because during previous WODs, I often found myself getting tripped up on things that I knew I had seen before, and I ended up wasting time having to go back and look at my notes. By reading over the notes ahead of time, I was able to save time during the WOD once the timer started counting down.

For Next Time

To be better prepared, I could have dedicated more time to reading over each instruction for the WOD and ensuring that I knew what the question was asking me to do. For WODs going forward, I think I will structure my preparation routine like this:

  1. Read over each instruction diligently
  2. Take note of any concept I am not sure about
  3. Then go back and find examples in my notes, readings, and/or labs of how to complete the tasks I’m not confident about