E_XC: Talk Story with Tech Professionals

30 Sep 2023
This past Thursday evening, I attended PACE's event: Talk Story with Tech Professionals. This was an amazing opportunity to meet professionals from all different sectors of the professional technology world. First off, I had a ton of fun meeting up with my classmates in a different setting where we were able to compare resumes and talk about things like internships and interviews. After a brief welcome, we were allowed to mix with all the amazing professionals that had volunteered their time to come speak to us. The most impactful connection I made was with the CIO of Bank of Hawai'i (so cool!!). We asked him how he ended up in his position and he talked us through the fairly unconventional route he took. He gave us advice on interviews, resumes, salaries, positions, and so much more. I really appreciated how honest and genuine he was with his answers. I took notes on the potential questions I could be asked in a job interview and how to handle it, how to make my resume stand out, and what career paths might be right for me. All in all, I'm really happy I attended the Talk Story event, and I will definitely be RSVPing for future professional networking events.