15 Dec 2023
Brief Description of the System For Assignment 3, I developed an e-commerce website for a surf shop. The site featured an extensive catalog of surf-related products, including boards, apparel, and accessories. The website offered functionalities like user registration, login, a...
05 Dec 2023
1. Introduction to Assignment 2: Upgrading your e-Commerce Website In Assignment 2, our task was to enhance an e-commerce website, focusing on user personalization and security. The core requirement was to enable user registration and login, ensuring that personalization features,...
21 Nov 2023
1. My programming skills have greatly improved in the following ways: I’ve become more proficient in understanding JavaScript syntax and structure. For instance, I can now write functions and loops with greater ease, which was evident in my Assignment1 where...
30 Sep 2023
This past Thursday evening, I attended PACE’s event: Talk Story with Tech Professionals. This was an amazing opportunity to meet professionals from all different sectors of the professional technology world. First off, I had a ton of fun meeting up...
30 Sep 2023
BrowserHistory6 The BrowserHistory6 WOD focused on the aspects of building a dynamic webpage. It was mainly a formatting exercise for the “History of Browsers” webpage that I created throughout the previous WODs. I used onmousover and onclick actions and attached...
12 Sep 2023
My first 3 WODs BrowserHistory WODs 1,2 and 3 went… ok for me. I felt pretty confident heading into BrowserHistory1, and I completed it on my first try in Sd time. Being honest, I did have to use some help...
31 Aug 2023
For some reason in school growing up, I had decided that I didn’t like coding. In my mind, IT meant coding, which meant math, which meant it was too hard and too boring. That was until I had to take...
MIS My Major